Thursday, January 1, 2009

Resolutions! Have Less, Do More

It's already a few days in, but I haven't finished the post because I was actually working on my resolutions. Take that, timelines!

I want 2009 to be smooooooth.

In the spirit of smoothness: Downsizing.

I'm a terrible packrat. I need to get rid of a LOT of stuff because it's not bringing me joy at this point in time. I look around my room and fuss over the amount of stuff I have, hardly seeing the "potential" uses I have saved things for. Every day since New Year's has been Cleaning Day and more stuff is going into the bag for the Switch and Stitch and Bitch next week. What's left will at least be tidy! And no new supplies until most of my existing supplies have been used. The knitting is starting to take over my room, the fabrics need to be worked with and not linger in a box, the saved clothing needs to be modified, and the "for sale" stuff needs to be put up and sold. No mercy!

The other area of this is food. Being pretty broke off and on this quarter has showed me that I can survive and even thrive on a lot less than I thought I could. Proper preparation can get me on a better track and save me money, etc. etc. I spent New Year's with an amazing woman whose figure I'd like to rival by this time next year. I get lazy, so the planning is going to be key. Constant vigilance!

In the spirit of smoothness without stagnance: Activity.

Yes, it is very easy to put something on the TV and knit for a few hours. This has gotten me a lot of stock for my shop, but the aforementioned fabric has sat around for several moves, waiting to be used. The clothes have sat on their shelf - "To Modify" - since summer. And like always, I'm behind on posting my work. I am going to focus more energy on using what I have and concentrating on crafts for the sake of themselves, not as things to occupy my hands while my brain is watching TV. Neither photography or sewing are too strenuous. I can do it!

Also, exercise & body. At the very least, no more sitting in bed to knit/TV - I have a perfectly good exercise ball and if I use it as a chair, I'll get a little toning and keep the bed from being an "awake" place in my mind. I also have five-pound weights that need to get used more. Again, vigilance!

More to come before too long - my camera cable has vanished into the ether, but stuff's been going on!

My Rocky Horror Picture Show Cast (show TONIGHT!)
Bright Colors for the New Year Recycled Yarn Scarf
Lunar New Year Necklace

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