Sunday, January 11, 2009

A is for Amore

Being in love is totally punk rock.
Sure, it's soft and fluffy and snuggly, but at the same time it's kind of like a mosh pit. You plunge into this super hardcore seething mass of danger, thinking, "That. Looks. Awesome." And it FULLY IS. You've got six cubic liters of adrenaline coursing through your wildly gyrating body and you get this high like you can do anything or take on anyone. You might get the crap kicked out of you (probably will), but you don't really feel it and at the end of the night you shake hands with the guy who did it and grab a drink. It's violent; it's dangerous; it's completely worth the bruises, concussions, broken bones - because of that high. We humans are love junkies. Our brains literally release opiates when we're in love (and when we're in mosh pits). We will go through all sorts of hell for a fix. The lucky ones get it steady, like a vitamin, but some of us wear our love history like track marks. Mainlining bliss into both arms and our eyeballs all in one go, then crash until the next fix.
Consider your beloved after an absence. Consider them after sex. Consider long-distance relationships. Consider abusive relationships. Consider polyamory. Consider withdrawal. Consider the long-term health effects of being in a mosh pit.
It's such a beautiful thing.

Being in Love is Totally Punk Rock T-Shirt
Red and Gray Messenger Bag

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