Saturday, December 27, 2008

Encounters with Non-Knitters, Part 1

Every knitter's been through it: knitting in public, or just at home with company, will always earn you a comment. Over at Ravelry there's a very old thread that I stumbled upon, collecting our more... notable... experiences. My favorites in there are the woman who was asked if she learned to knit in prison and the man who was asked if he learned to knit in rehab. Some knitters are hardcore, sure, but we don't all pick it up in state institutions! (Oh wait, I learned how at university... whoops.)

Anyway, I got a good one on Christmas. Over at my Beloved's parents' house (yes, avoiding my family). Mom's been stressing out, Granny's been demanding, Brother's been a jerk, and Dad's been trying to stay out of it, as have Beloved & I. We get through dinner (tacos - heck yes!) without major incident and everyone sits down to play cards. I don't know how to play 31 and Beloved is trying to avoid the powder keg, so we curl up on the couch. He got an HDTV for Christmas (thank you, Mom & Dad) so he was flipping through the manual. Yes, my boyfriend reads the manual. He's a keeper. I, of course, pull out the knitting - Grandma's shawl, from the post below. (Yes, it's late, but I finished it today - see below.) Dad looks over and we get the obligatory remark:

"Look, it's the old folks sitting this game out."

'Scuse me? I'm 20 and Beloved is 24! We were two of the youngest poeple there, we were being plenty sociable, and we were getting our business done. What do they expect? We catch crap when we pull out our laptops, too - like browsing the internets prevents us from talking. Are we supposed to just sit blankly and watch whatever they want on TV?

Before this turns into a rant, I finished the Prayer Shawl! And I have some yarn left over so I can put an entry in for the New Beginnings contest.

Answers to Common Questions from Non-Knitters Tote
New Beginnings Butterfly Mask
New Beginnings Bubble Tree Pendants

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